Video Game

Lever de Rideaux

12/2022 - Student Project

  • Role: Designer, Developer
Techs: Unity C#

An AI based game using your expressed emotion as an alternative controller.

This a project for a course on Interactive Digital Media. The task was to make a game with a special interaction.

Our team of two decided to do a game using emotion recognition software. The hardest part of the project was about finding a good solution, easily implementable in Unity, the game engine we selected. We opted for 3Divi.

Based on this, we made a game were the player has to do special facial expressions to open curtains coming toward him. The fun of the game residing in the fact he add to rapidly adapt its facial expression, and the indicators were photos taken of past players

To ensure that the player was able to do every expression, we added a quick tutorial so he could experiment before the game.

My job in this project was linking the facial recognition software to Unity, and make it work.

I recently upgraded it to new tech of facial recognition so users don't have to use a proprietary one