An interlocking möbius bands wood hair clip


  • Type: Wood

Saw a tutorial about this on internet. I wanted to make my own

Click on the pictures to see them in fullscreen

This is a wood hair clip. You can attach it so your hair by passing a pin through the two side holes.

I did find it on instructables by pure luck, and the thing was too cool to be passed upon.

I found the log in my father's woodshed. I started with the wrong tools (common pocket knifes) and updated my tools to carving knives as I progressed. I did also start with the wrong wood essence, as it is an extra solid one, which is ill-advised for beginner carver

It was a long journey, who learned me a lot about wood carving, wood finishes, and gave me a few cuts. I'm quite happy with the result, as it is a first work. Perfectible, but quite good.

If I start a project on a domain like that again, where I know nothing, I would probably do more preemptive research. But I would still continue with th project originally envisionned, no matter how complicated it's revealed to be, as it what gave me motivation to pursue and complete the project.

Here is some pictures :